Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil


De-stress, de-compress and get a good night’s sleep with this wonder-oil. Use in a diffuser, oil-burner, or pour a drop or two onto your pillow to help promote a good night’s sleep. A whiff can alleviate pounding headache and a hot lavender bath is a go-to for soothing our stresses away.

Just as lavender oil can soothe the mind, it can also do wonders for calming the body. It is lauded for both its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which makes it a quality contender to include in your clean skincare routine. It is said to soothe flare-ups of psoriasis & eczema. It also happens to be anti-bacterial and antifungal, so can aid in healing cuts, wounds and even fungal infections. When applying directly to the skin, use a carrier oil, or pour a drop or two into your favourite skincare product, apply, relax and enjoy.

Combines well with Bergamot, Geranium, May Chang & many other essential oils.

10ml amber glass dropper bottle.

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